12613 ½ Venice Blvd.

Mar Vista CA 90066 USA


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For Immediate Release
Kathleen Johnson: one, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock  October 07 - October 21, 2017

Johnson’s three-component “clock” at c. nichols project will be activated four times* at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 7. Based on the opening line of Bill Haley’s iconic early rock ‘n’ roll teen anthem, Johnson’s one-day event will consider time in several manifestations—the brush’s passage through time, sonic time signatures, ice melt rates, and the optimal temperature of lemocello.

*suggested arrival at the top of the hour

One component of the project, four large-scale watercolors, will remain on view through October 21.